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About Edina

The project EDucation of International Newly Arrived migrant pupils - has been developed by Emmanuelle le Pichon-Vorstman and Venhar Sariaslan. It brought together policy makers, schools and researchers from Finland (Helsinki), Belgium (Ghent) and The Netherlands (Rotterdam and Utrecht). This project finished successfully in September 2018, after which a follow-up of EDINA was started in September 2019, with partly new partners, consisting of policy makers, schools and researchers from Belgium (Ghent and Liège), the United Kingdom (Leeds), Spain (Oviedo) and the Netherlands (Rotterdam and Utrecht). After completion of this project in 2022, a third EDINA project started in 2023. This project brings together policy makers, schools and researchers from the Netherlands (Utrecht and Rotterdam), Belgium (Ghent and Liège), Spain (Oviedo) and Ireland (Dublin).

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The EDINA-toolkit!

This EDINA site has the objective of supporting teachers and schools with
newcomer pupils (primary and secondary education)
in their practice and policy. After all, successful care of these pupils is of great importance for the rest of their school career.

The giraffe leads you the way. He holds his high head full of good ideas and policy tips , but at the same time, he stands firmly on the ground with his feet, steadfast in practice and the reality of every school.

This site provides tools for reception, observation, differentiation, assessment, and communication. If you click on one of the titles next to the ‘giraffe spots’, you will be offered all sorts of information related to this theme: an introduction, reflection and exercises, policy tips, practical examples, and extra information.

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