The EDINA GoPro Calender! 53 weeks of tips and suggestions for teachers of newcomers! Although there are major differences between the EDINA-countries in terms of reception, duration of reception education, transition to regular or secondary education, design of learning environments and ...
Lectures from our Final Conference
Last week we organised our final conference in Utrecht. We look back on amazing, inspiring presentations and want to applaud our great audience who are making the day-to-day changes in NAM education. The two keynote lectures were recorded and can ...
EDINA final conference 19 October 2022 in Utrecht
Register now for our final conference: You can also sign up for the workshops: Invited ...
Newsletter #4
It has been a long time, but we are happy that our fourth newsletter is out! Filled with project updates, news about the website and also a competition. Read it now,!! edina-newsletter-4-22
Edina Newsletter July '21
Before going taking a well deserved summer holiday, we have one newsletter to share. Here you can read all about our activities and updates from the last half year! Do not wait and read it now! Click here to read ...
Lunch Seminar
On the 24th of June, we are organizing a FREE lunch seminar about the initial situation of newcomer education! TIME: 12.30 - 13.30 CET. Subscribe here!
Edina newsletter #3 - 2020
Hi everyone! We hare happy to share our November ‘20 newsletter. There is some exciting news to share, so why not read it! click here
Edina Newsletter #2-2020
The academic year has almost ended, so it is time for a newsletter. In this edition you can read a very interesting review on differentiation and intercultural education applied to distance education. Please click on this link or open the ...Edina and 'The future of language education in Europe'
A new report has been published regarding the Future of language education in Europe, focusing on case studies of innovative practices. We are happy that our efforts on the area of teaching to newly arrived migrant pupils (specific language-aware tools/...Second position best education book
The book “Multilingualism and Education” (Multilingualism and Education), with contributions from EDINA partners, has won the second place in the competition for Best Education Book of the Year! voir le message d’origine Authors: Emmanuelle Le Pichon- Vorstman, Anouk Ticheloven, Lore V...UiL OTS Language Sciences Day
On 31 January 2019 Sergio Baauw will present a poster on the results of EDINA at the UiL OTS Science Day, in Utrecht. During this day we will also present a follow up project that aims at the consolidation of EDINA. Location: ...EDINA Newsletter #4
We are happy to present to you the fourth, updated official EDINA newsletter! In this newsletter you will find reports on the Dutch, Belgian and Finnish Multiplier Events, a summary of the big EDINA Final Conference in June 2017, as well ...
EDINA Final Conference!
The EDINA project (Education of International Newly Arrived migrant pupils) has the pleasure to invite you to a conference entitled: ”Enhancing Policy & Educational Practice for Newly Arrived Students” that will take place in Rotterdam on the 7th of June 2018. The ...
EDINA Newsletter #3
The third edition of the EDINA project newsletter is now available on the newsletter section of our website! We proudly present to you the third official EDINA project newsletter. In this newsletter you will find a review of our teacher ...
EDINA at the Grote Taaldag in Utrecht
The Grote Taaldag is the annual event organized by the AVT and the Anela, the two major linguistic trade unions in the Netherlands. Sergio and Marie (unfortunately not pictured) were present to represent EDINA! The lectures were very diverse, from ...Symposium Language Impairment and Bilingualism
On the occasion of Tessel Boerma’s defence, Utrecht University hosted a symposium on language impairment and bilingualism on the 27th of October. During this informative event, three speakers shared their research on these topics. Pascale Engel de Abreu talked ab...